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CNC Precision Hardware Parts Processing Steps Of CNC Machining Parts

2021-05-10 15:18:34

When We Hold Exquisite Thin Mobile Phones, When We Sit On High-Speed Convenient High-Speed Trains Airplanes, Have You Ever Thought About How Many Engineers Have Worked Hard To Develop, Customize Process These Products? Although China's Smart Manufacturing Industry Continues To Grow, It Is Accompanied By Many Difficulties Such As The Intensification Of International Technology Blockades Bottlenecks In Independent Research Development. The Development Of The Industry Is Facing The Dilemma Of "Big But Strong".

Despite This, There Are Still Groups Of Brave Soldiers Who Step Forward To Contribute To The Country Manufacture High-Tech Products. These Products Are Assembled  Precision Parts . So, Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Will Explain To You What Are The Steps Of CNC Machining In The Precision Machining Of Hardware Parts ?

1. Analyze The Parts Drawing To Understand The General Situation Of The Workpiece (Geometry, Workpiece Material, Process Requirements, Etc.)

2. Determine The CNC Machining Process Of The Parts (Machining Content, Machining Route)

3. Perform Necessary Numerical Calculations (Base Point Node Coordinate Calculations)

Huiwen CNC processing

4. Write The Program Sheet (Different Machine Tools Will Be Different, Please Follow The Instruction Manual)

5. Program Verification (Input The Program Into The Machine Tool Perform Graphic Simulation To Verify The Correctness Of The Programming)

6. Process The Workpiece (Good Process Control Can Save Time Improve Processing Quality)

7. Workpiece Acceptance Quality Error Analysis (Inspect The Workpieces, Those That Pass Will Flow Into The Next Step. If Unqualified, Quality Analysis Will Be Used To Find Out The Cause Of The Error The Correction Method).

At Present, The Development Of CNC Machine Tools Is Changing With Each Passing Day. High Speed, High Precision, Compound, Intelligent, Open, Parallel Drive, Networking, Extreme Green Have Become The Trend Direction Of The Development Of CNC Machine Tools.

The Emergence Of CNC Machine Tools Is A Manifestation Of A Great Progress In Industry. It Can Better Solve The Problems Of Complex, Precise, Small Batch Variable Parts Processing . It Is A Flexible Efficient Automated Machine Tool. When Using CNC Machine Tools For Processing, Programmers Must First Conduct Process Analysis. According To The Material, Contour Shape, Processing Accuracy, Etc. Of The Workpiece To Be Processed, The Appropriate Machine Tool Is Selected, The Processing Plan Is Formulated, The Processing Sequence Of The Parts, The Tools, Fixtures Cutting Amount Used In Each Process Are Determined, Etc.

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