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The Boss Of A Machine Processing Factory Went Bankrupt To Buy Equipment Was Exhausted To Secure Orders...

2021-06-22 09:21:42

Choosing To Start A Business In The Machining Industry, Which Is Very Hot At The Moment, Means Choosing Risk, Responsibility, Endless Hard Work.

The Bosses Of Machining Factories May Seem To Be Doing Well On The Surface, But The Hardships They Have Endured Behind The Scenes Are Enough To Bring Tears To Their Eyes......

1. Spending All Your Money On Equipment

To Set Up A Machine Processing Plant, One Needs To Purchase A Batch Of Machine Tools Such As CNC Lathes, CNC Milling Machines, Drilling Machines, Etc. Even The Smallest Processing Plant Can Cost Millions.

If You Want To Buy Equipment With Higher Precision, It Is Normal To Spend Millions For A Machine Tool.

He Could Have Used The Money To Live A Comfortable Life, But He Chose To "Lose Everything" Invest In An Iron Processing Plant.

2. Exhausted To Secure Orders

The Machining Plant Has Been Opened, But Whether It Can Develop Depends On Whether There Are Orders.

If You Don't Have The Perseverance To Persevere, It Will Be Common To Have No Food To Eat After The Last One. 

Especially In The Context Of Economic Downturn, Market Competition Is Even More Intense. In Order To Get Orders, Machine Workers Work Hard During The Day Drink Negotiate Orders At Night. 

For The Orders, The Machine Workers Are Exhausted!

Huiwen-High Precision Parts Processing

3. Take Charge Of Management Yourself

The Bosses Of The Machine Processing Factory Are Euphemistically Called Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li, Mr. Wang... In Fact, They Have It All. They Can Design, Understand Technology, Negotiate Contracts, Deliver Goods, Entertain... But They Have The Heart Of Selling Cocaine, But Earn The Money Of Selling Cabbages. 

Those Who Say That You Don't Want To Do Things Yourself Shouldn't Start A Factory. If You Can't Make It Yourself, Don't Expect Others To Make It For You. You Don't See The Efforts Behind The Companies That Can Grow Develop.

A Truth During The Entrepreneurial Period: Get To Work!

4. Spending Money Is Like Running Water, Making Money Is Like Climbing To The Sky

When A Machine Processing Factory Buys Materials Parts, Money Comes Goes At Will. However, When It Comes To Paying For Delivery, There Are Various Arrears Deductions, Making Any Money Is Extremely Difficult. 

Various Rents, Water Electricity Bills, Machine Tool Fees, Consumables Fees, Maintenance Fees, Material Fees, Labor Fees... Every Penny Counts. Earning A Little Hard-Earned Money Is Being Oppressed By Customers... 

Every Month When It Comes To Paying Salaries, The Factory Has To Pay A Lot Of Money. If The "Five Insurances One Fund" Are Paid In Full, The Employees Will Get 5,000 Yuan, But The Factory Actually Has To Pay More Than 10,000 Yuan.

All Kinds Of Costs Are High I Can’t Afford It!

How Many Nights Have The Boss Of A Newly Started Machining Factory Spent Alone In Deep Thought? How Many Times Have He Stayed Up All Night To Ensure That His Employees Get Their Wages On Time? How Many Times Have He Silently Taken Responsibility When His Employees Made Mistakes? But How Many People Understand Him? His Employees Think He Is Selfish, His Family Complains That He Is Indifferent, Everyone Is Full Of Misunderstandings Complaints About Him.

No One Understands Your Inner Helplessness, No One Understands Your Inner Loneliness!

Since We Have Chosen The Path Of Machining, Let’s Stick Together. I Urge Everyone To Remember To Take Care Of The Startup Machining Factories When Dealing With Them!

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