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What Have You Accomplished In The Daily, Weekly Monthly Work Schedule Of The CNC Processing Factory Owner?

2021-07-12 09:07:17

"Being A Good Person Doing Good Things" Can Help Us Go Further In Our Careers. So How Can A CNC Factory Owner Manager Be A Good Person Do Good Things? What Must A Successful Manager Do? What Kind Of Qualities Are The Most Important To Enable You To Go Further?

What The CNC Processing

1. Summarize The Completion Status Of Your Tasks Every Day.

2. Consider The Main Tasks You Should Do Tomorrow.

3. Understand The Sales Development Status Of At Least One Department Provide Corresponding Guidance.

4. Consider A Company’s Shortcomings Come Up With Ways Steps To Improve Them.

5. Understand The Sales Development Status Of At Least One Department Provide Corresponding Guidance.

6. You Must Check The Report Every Day.

7. Think About You Went Wrong During Your Work Day.

8. Whether The Quality Efficiency Of My Daily Work Can Be Improved.

9. Documents That Should Be Approved.

CNC processing plant

What The CNC Processing Plant Owner Must Do Every Week

1. Hold A Regular Meeting Of Mid-Level Cadres.

2. Conduct A Discussion With A Key Functional Department.

3. Communicate With Someone Who You Think Is Will Be A Key Person In Your Company’s Business.

4. Report To Your Boss Once.

5. Summarize The Sales Progress Of Each Department.

6. Hold An Office Meeting Related To Quality.

7. Correct An Incorrect Practice In A Detail Within The Company.

8. Check The Implementation Of Corrective Actions Last Week.

9. Conduct A Self-Review (Informal).

10. Organize Your Files Bookcases.

11. Understand The Corresponding Changes In Financial Indicators.

12. Contact An Important Customer.

13. Reports That Must Be Read Every Week.

14. Contact A Dealer.

15. Praise One Of Your Backbones.

Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Machining Experience. It Has A Full Range Of Equipment, Including CNC Turning/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Machining.Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotes.

What The CNC Processing Factory Owner Must Do Every Ten Days

1. Invite A Different Employee To Dinner Tea.

2. Communicate With The Finance Department Once.

3. Provide Focused Assistance To A Department’s Sales.

4. Visit A Distributor.

What The CNC Processing Plant Owner Must Do Every Month

1. Conduct A Sales Assessment Of Each Department.

2. Visit An Important Client.

3. Conduct A Self-Assessment.

4. Monthly Financial Statements.

5. Overall Sales Situation For The Month.

6. Sales Plan For Next Month.

7. Next Month’s Sales Policy.

Huiwen CNC processing factory

12 Important Qualities Of CNC Processing Plant Managers

1. Loyalty. Always Think Your Boss's Perspective.

2. Dedication. Provide Services Efforts Beyond Compensation.

3. Be Proactive. “I Have To Do It” To “I Want To Do It”.

4. Take Responsibility. Let The Ball Of The Problem Stop With You.

5. Efficiency. Say Goodbye To Busywork Wasted Time.

6. Results. Think About How To Get Things Done The Beginning.

7. Communicate. Bring A Plan To Communicate, Communicate Face To Face, Solve Problems On The Spot.

8. Team. A Drop Of Water Merges Into The Ocean, An Individual Merges Into A Team.

9. Be Enterprising. Make Time To Grow Taller Recharge Yourself.

10. Keep A Low Profile. Don’t Seek Credit Reward. Achievements Are Just The Beginning. Honor Is The Motivation.

11. Cost. Do Waste The Company's Resources, Even A Piece Of Paper.

12. Be Grateful. Learn To Be Grateful. Work Only Gives You Compensation, But Also Provides You With Opportunities To Learn Grow.

The Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. Team Was Established In 2010 Is Located On The 1st Floor Of Building F3, Tianyou Maker Industrial Park, Lixinhu, Fuyong, Bao'an District, Shenzhen. It Has Long Been Committed To The Processing Of High-Precision, High-Difficulty, Easy-To-Deform Metal Plastic Parts , Small Medium-Batch Production Of Lightweight Alloy Composite Materials (Such As Aluminum Alloy, Carbon Fiber, Etc.) Parts,  Procurement Customization Of Robot Parts .

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