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What Impact Does The Surface Roughness Of Small Precision Parts Processing Have On The Parts?

2021-07-27 09:25:13

With The Continuous Development Wide-Ranging Application Of Precision Machining Technology, People Have Put Forward Higher Requirements For Product Performance Quality. Product Performance Quality Are Mainly Implemented According To Product Design, Then The Quality Is Guaranteed By Precision Machining Equipment Assembly Technology. The Quality Of Precision Hardware Parts Usually Includes Two Aspects: Product Accuracy Product Surface Quality. The Surface Quality Of Precision Machining Is A Very Important Indicator, Especially Under High Speed, High Temperature High Pressure Conditions, Its Reliability May Be Greatly Affected;

    The Surface Quality Of Product Processing Is To Change The Appearance Size, Shape Performance Of The Blank Through Precision Processing Equipment Other Methods, So That It Can Meet The Requirements Of The Design Drawings. However, The Outer Cylindrical Surface Formed By Precision Machining After Turning Is Completely Ideal. After Processing, A Shallow Surface Layer Will Be Formed On The Surface Of The Part, Its Characteristics Are Very Different Those Of The Internal Substrate. During Precision Hardware Processing , The Surface Is In A Complex Stress State Of Wedging, Fracture, Extrusion Friction During The Entire Cutting Process, Undergoes Elastic Plastic Deformation. Under The Joint Action Of Cutting Force, Cutting Heat Surrounding Media, The Original Geometric Characteristics Physical Properties Of The Surface Of The Part Are Changed. Therefore, The Use Of "Surface Quality" Relies On The Geometric, Physical, Chemical Other Engineering Performance States Of The Product Surface Layer The Degree Of Complexity Of The Technical Requirements Of The Parts. The Main Contents Expressed Are Mainly The Following Aspects:

What impact does the surface roughness of small precision parts processing have on the parts?

Small Precision Parts Processing

    1. Surface Roughness: The Surface Of Precision Hardware Processing Has Micro-Geometric Features Formed By Peaks Valleys With Small Spacing, Which Is Mainly Caused By The Motion Trajectory Of The Cutting Tool In Precision Machining. The Verticality Of Its Wave Height Wavelength Is Generally Greater Than 1:50;

    2. Surface Processing Texture, The Main Direction Of The Surface Microstructure, Which Is Mainly Due To The Method Of Small Precision Parts Processing Used In Surface Formation, That Is, The Relationship Between The Main Motion The Feed Motion;

    3. Surface Waviness, An Intermediate Geometric Error Between Macroscopic Geometric Error Surface Roughness, Is Mainly Caused By The Offset Vibration Of The Cutting Tool. The Verticality Of Its Wave Height Wavelength Is Generally Between 1:500 1:1000;

    4. Physical Properties Of The Surface Layer. In The Process Of Precision Mechanical Parts Processing , Various Complex Physical Chemical Changes Occur On The Surface Of The Parts, Causing Changes In The Physical Properties Of The Surface Layer. This Is Mainly Determined By Three Aspects: Work Hardening Of The Surface Layer, Changes In The Radial Structure Of The Surface Layer, Residual Stress Of The Surface Layer.

    5. Scars, Defects That Appear On Some Individual Positions Of The Surface Of Precision Hardware Processing, Most Of Which Are Randomly Distributed, Such As Burrs, Scratches Cracks;

    6. What Are The Effects Of Surface Quality On Part Performance? Surface Quality Actually Reflects Some Geometric Features Physical Mechanical Properties Of The Surface Layer, Which Will Affect The Wear Resistance, Matching Quality, Fatigue Resistance, Corrosion Resistance, Contact Stiffness Other Performance Of Precision Hardware Processing. The Service Life Of Precision Hardware Parts Depends To A Large Extent On The Wear Resistance Of Parts. The Wear Resistance Of Parts Is Related To Factors Such As Friction Materials, Working Environment Lubrication Conditions Surface Quality Of Parts. Under The Condition Of Stable Other Conditions, The Surface Quality Of Parts Plays A Very Important Role In Later Use.

    The Above Is About The Roughness Control Method Of Small Precision Parts Processing  Its Impact On Later Use. I Hope It Can Be Helpful To You. Huiwen Focuses On High-Precision CNC Machining. If You Have Any Processing Needs For Precision Parts , You Are Welcome To Call Us We Will Serve You Wholeheartedly.

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