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Precision hardware processing in the field, cnc CNC machining often encounter what problems?

2021-09-18 11:31:47

1. What Are The Three Methods For Workpiece Clamping?

1. Clamping In The Fixture; 2. Directly Find The Clamping; 3. Marking To Find The Clamping

2. What Does The Process System Include?

Machine Tools, Workpieces, Fixtures, Tools

3. What Are The Components Of The Machining Process?

Rough Machining, Semi-Finishing, Finishing, Super Finishing

4. How Are Benchmarks Classified?

1. Design Basis 2. Process Basis: Process, Measurement, Assembly, Positioning: (Original, Additional): (Rough Basis, Fine Basis)

What Does CNC Machining Accuracy Include?

1. Dimension Accuracy 2. Shape Accuracy 3. Position Accuracy Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Machining Experience . It Has Complete Equipment, CNC Turning/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Machining. Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotes.

Precision metal processing

5. What Are The Original Errors That Occur During The Machining Process?

Principle Error, Positioning Error, Adjustment Error, Tool Error, Fixture Error, Machine Tool Spindle Rotation Error, Machine Tool Guide Rail Guidance Error, Machine Tool Transmission Error, Process System Force Deformation, Process System Thermal Deformation, Tool Wear, Measurement Error, Error Caused By Residual Stress Of Workpiece

6. What Is The Impact Of Process System Stiffness On Precision Hardware Machining Accuracy (Machine Tool Deformation, Workpiece Deformation)?

1. Workpiece Shape Error Caused By Changes In The Position Of The Cutting Force Action Point 2. CNC Machining Error Caused By Changes In The Cutting Force 3. CNC Machining Error Caused By Clamping Force Gravity 4. Influence Of Transmission Force Inertia Force On Machining Accuracy

7. What Does The Guidance Error Of Machine Tool Guide Rails The Spindle Rotation Error Include?

1. The Guide Rail Mainly Includes The Relative Displacement Error Between The Tool The Workpiece In The Error-Sensitive Direction Caused By The Guide Rail. 2. Spindle Radial Runout, Axial Runout, Inclination Swing

8. What Is The "Error Reflection" Phenomenon? What Is The Error Reflection Coefficient? What Are The Measures To Reduce Error Reflection?

Due To The Change Of Process System Error Deformation, The Blank Error Is Partially Reflected On The Workpiece. Measures: Increase The Number Of Tool Passes, Increase The Rigidity Of The Process System, Reduce The Feed Rate, Improve The Blank Accuracy

9. Analysis Of Transmission Error Of Machine Tool Transmission Chain? What Are The Measures To Reduce Transmission Error Of Transmission Chain?

Error Analysis: Using The Angular Error Δφ Of The End Element Of The Transmission Chain To Measure

Measures: 1. The Fewer The Number Of Transmission Chain Parts, The Shorter The Transmission Chain, The Smaller The Δφ, The Higher The Accuracy. 2. The Smaller The Transmission Ratio I, Especially The Transmission Ratio At The First Last Ends. 3. Since The Error Of The End Parts In The Transmission Parts Has The Greatest Impact, It Should Be As Accurate As Possible. 4. Use A Correction Device

10. How To Classify Precision Metal Processing Errors? Which Errors Are Constant Errors? Which Errors Are Variable System Errors? Which Errors Are Random Errors?

Systematic Error: (Constant Systematic Error Variable Systematic Error) Random Error

Constant System Error: Processing Error Caused By Processing Principle Error, Manufacturing Error Of Machine Tools, Cutting Tools, Fixtures, Stress Deformation Of Process System, Etc.

Variable Value System Error: Wear Of Tools; Thermal Deformation Error Of Tools, Fixtures, Machine Tools, Etc. Before Thermal Equilibrium

Random Error: Copy Of Blank Error, Positioning Error, Clamping Error, Multiple Adjustment Error, Deformation Error Caused By Residual Stress

11. What Are The Ways To Ensure Improve The Accuracy Of Precision Hardware Processing?

1. Error Prevention Technology: Rationally Adopt Advanced Technology Equipment To Directly Reduce The Original Error, Transfer The Original Error, Average The Original Error, Average The Original Error.

2. Error Compensation Technology: Online Detection Of Automatic Matching Grinding Of Parts To Actively Control The Decisive Error Factors

12. What Does The Machining Surface Geometry Include?

Geometric Roughness, Surface Waviness, Texture Orientation, Surface Defects

13. What Are The Physical Chemical Properties Of Surface Layer Materials?

1. Cold Work Hardening Of The Surface Metal 2. Metallographic Deformation Of The Surface Metal 3. Residual Stress Of The Surface Metal. Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Machining Experience. It Has Complete Equipment, CNC Turning/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Machining. Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotes.

14. Try To Analyze The Factors That Affect The Surface Roughness Of CNC Machining ?

Roughness Value Is Determined By: Height Of The Residual Cutting Area Main Factors: Radius Of Tool Tip Main Rake Angle Secondary Rake Angle Feed Rate Secondary Factors: Increase Cutting Speed Appropriate Selection Of Cutting Fluid Appropriate Increase Of Tool Rake Angle Improve Tool Grinding Quality

15. Try To Analyze The Factors That Affect The Surface Roughness Of CNC Grinding?

1. Geometric Factors: The Effect Of Grinding Amount On Surface Roughness 2. The Effect Of Grinding Wheel Grain Size Grinding Wheel Dressing On Surface Roughness 2. The Effect Of Physical Factors: Plastic Deformation Of Surface Metal: Grinding Amount Grinding Wheel Selection

16. Try To Analyze The Factors That Affect The Cold Work Hardening Of The Cutting Surface?

The Influence Of Cutting Parameters The Influence Of Tool Geometry The Influence Of Processing Material Properties

17. What Is Grinding Tempering Burn? What Is Grinding Quenching Burn? What Is Grinding Annealing Burn?

Tempering: If The Temperature Of The Grinding Zone Does Exceed The Phase Transition Temperature Of The Quenched Steel, But Has Exceeded The Transformation Temperature Of Martensite, The Martensite On The Surface Of The Workpiece Will Be Converted Into A Tempered Structure With Lower Hardness. Quenching: If The Temperature Of The Grinding Zone Exceeds The Phase Transition Temperature, Coupled With The Cooling Effect Of The Coolant, A Secondary Quenched Martensite Structure Will Appear On The Surface Metal, Which Is Harder Than The Original Martensite; In Its Lower Layer, A Tempered Structure With A Lower Hardness Than The Original Tempered Martensite Will Appear Due To Slower Cooling. Annealing: If The Temperature Of The Grinding Zone Exceeds The Phase Transition Temperature There Is No Coolant During The Grinding Process, An Annealed Structure Will Appear On The Surface Metal, The Hardness Of The Surface Metal Will Drop Sharply.

18. Prevention Control Of Mechanical Processing Vibration

Eliminate Reduce The Conditions That Produce Machining Vibration; Improve The Dynamic Characteristics Of The Process System Improve The Stability Of The Process System By Using Various Vibration Reduction Devices

19. Briefly Describe The Main Differences Applications Of Machining Process Cards, Process Cards, Procedure Cards.

Process Card: Single Piece Small Batch Production Using Ordinary CNC Machining Method Machining Process Card: Medium Batch Production Process Card: Large Batch Production Type Requires Strict Meticulous Organization Work

20. What Are The Principles For Selecting A Rough Benchmark? What Are The Principles For Selecting A Fine Benchmark?

Rough Benchmark:

1. The Principle Of Ensuring Mutual Position Requirements;

2. Ensure The Principle Of Reasonable Distribution Of Surface Machining Allowance For Precision Hardware Processing;

3. The Principle Of Facilitating Workpiece Clamping;

4. The Principle That Rough Benchmarks Should Be Reused 

Precision Benchmark:

1. The Principle Of Benchmark Coincidence.

2. Unified Benchmark Principle.

3. The Principle Of Mutual Benchmarking.

4. The Principle Of Self-Benchmark.

5. Principle Of Easy Clamping.

21. What Are The Principles For Arranging The Process Sequence?

1. Machine The Reference Surface First, Then Machine Other Surfaces.

2. In Half Of The Cases, The Surface Is Processed First Then The Hole.

3. Process The Main Surface First, Then The Secondary Surface.

4. Arrange The Rough Processing Process First, Then The Fine Processing Process.

22. How To Divide The Processing Stages? What Are The Benefits Of Dividing The Processing Stages?

Processing Stages:

1. Roughing Stage, Semi-Finishing Stage, Finishing Stage, Precision Finishing Stage Can Ensure Sufficient Time To Eliminate Thermal Deformation Residual Stress Caused By Roughing, So As To Improve The Accuracy Of Subsequent Processing. In Addition, If The Blank Is Found To Have Defects During The Roughing Stage, It Is Necessary To Proceed To The Next Processing Stage To Avoid Waste. In Addition, Equipment Can Be Used Reasonably, Low-Precision Machine Tools Are Used For Roughing Precision Machine Tools Are Used For Finishing To Maintain The Accuracy Level Of Precision Machine Tools; Human Resources Are Reasonably Arranged, High-Tech Workers Specialize In Precision  Ultra-Precision Processing , Which Is Very Important For Ensuring Product Quality Improving Process Level.

23. What Are The Factors That Affect Process Allowance?

1. The Dimensional Tolerance Ta Of The Previous Process; 2. The Surface Roughness Ry Surface Defect Depth Ha Generated By The Previous Process; 3. The Spatial Error Left By The Previous Process

24. What Does The Standard Working Hours Include?

T Quota = T Single Piece Time + T Quasi-Final Time / N Number Of Pieces

25. What Are The Technological Approaches To Improve Productivity?

1. Shorten The Basic Time; 2. Reduce The Overlap Between Auxiliary Time Basic Time; 3. Reduce The Time For Setting Up The Work Site; 4. Reduce The Preparation Termination Time

26. What Are The Main Contents Of The Assembly Process Regulations?

1. Analyze Product Drawings, Divide Assembly Units, Determine Assembly Methods; 2. Draft Assembly Sequences Divide Assembly Processes; 3. Calculate Assembly Time Quotas; 4. Determine Assembly Technical Requirements, Quality Inspection Methods, Inspection Tools For Each Process; 5. Determine The Delivery Method Of Assembly Parts The Required Equipment Tools; 6. Design The Tools, Fixtures, Special Equipment Required In The Assembly Process

27. What Should Be Considered In The Assembly Processability Of Machine Structures?

1. The Machine Structure Should Be Able To Be Divided Into Independent Assembly Units; 2. Reduce Repair Machining During Assembly; 3. The Machine Structure Should Be Easy To Assemble Disassemble

28. What Does Assembly Accuracy Generally Include?

1. Mutual Position Accuracy; 2. Mutual Motion Accuracy; 3. Mutual Coordination Accuracy. Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Machining Experience. It Has Complete Equipment, CNC Turning/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Machining. Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotes.

29. What Issues Should Be Paid Attention To When Looking For Assembly Dimension Chains?

1. The Assembly Dimension Chain Should Be Simplified As Necessary; 2. The Assembly Dimension Chain Consists Of "One Piece One Link"; 3. The "Directionality" Of The Assembly Dimension Chain. In The Same Assembly Structure, When There Are Assembly Accuracy Requirements In Different Positions Directions, The Assembly Dimension Chain Should Be Supervised In Different Directions.

30. What Are The Methods To Ensure Assembly Accuracy? How Are The Various Methods Applied?

1. Interchange Method; 2. Selection Method; 3. Repair Method; 4. Adjustment Method

31. What Are The Components Functions Of Machine Tool Fixtures?

A Machine Tool Fixture Is A Device For Clamping A Workpiece On A Machine Tool. Its Function Is To Make The Workpiece Have A Correct Position Relative To The Machine Tool The Tool, To Keep This Position Unchanged During The Processing. The Components Are: 1. Positioning Element Device. 2. Tool Guide Element Device. 3. Clamping Element Device. 4. Connecting Element. 5. Clamp Body. 6. Other Elements Devices.

The Main Function

1. Ensure Processing Quality

2. Improve Production Efficiency

.3. Expand The Range Of Machine Tool Processes

4. Reduce Workers' Labor Intensity Ensure Production Safety.

32. How Are Machine Tool Fixtures Classified According To Their Scope Of Use?

1. General Fixture 2. Special Fixture 3. Adjustable Fixture Group Fixture 4. Combination Fixture Random Fixture

33. What Are The Commonly Used Positioning Elements When The Workpiece Is Positioned On A Plane? Analyze The Elimination Of Degrees Of Freedom.

The Workpiece Is Positioned On A Plane. Common Positioning Elements Include 1. Fixed Support 2. Adjustable Support 3. Self-Positioning Support 4. Auxiliary Support

34. The Workpiece Is Positioned By A Cylindrical Hole. What Are The Commonly Used Positioning Elements? Analyze The Elimination Of Degrees Of Freedom.

The Workpiece Is Positioned With A Cylindrical Hole. Common Positioning Elements Are 1. Spindle 2. Positioning Pin

35. What Are The Commonly Used Positioning Elements For Positioning Workpieces On The Outer Surface Of A Circle? Analyze The Elimination Of Degrees Of Freedom.

The Workpiece Is Positioned On The Outer Surface Of The Circle. Common Positioning Elements Include V-Shaped Blocks.

36. The Workpiece Is Positioned With “Two Pins On One Side”. How To Design The Two Pins?

1. Determine The Center Distance Between The Two Pins Its Tolerance. 2. Determine The Diameter Of The Cylindrical Pin Its Tolerance. 3. Determine The Width Diameter Of The Diamond Pin Its Tolerance.

37. What Two Aspects Does Positioning Error Include? What Are The Methods For Calculating Positioning Error?

There Are Two Aspects Of Positioning Error. 1. The Positioning Error Caused By Inaccurate Manufacturing Of The Positioning Element On The Workpiece Positioning Surface The Fixture Is Called The Reference Position Error. 2. The Positioning Error Caused By The Misalignment Of The Process Reference The Positioning Reference Of The Workpiece Is Called The Reference Misalignment Error.

38. Basic Requirements For The Design Of Workpiece Clamping Devices.

1. The Workpiece Should Be Able To Maintain The Correct Position Obtained During Positioning During The Clamping Process. 2. The Clamping Force Should Be Appropriate. The Clamping Mechanism Should Be Able To Ensure That The Workpiece Does Loosen Vibrate During The Processing Process, While Avoiding Inappropriate Deformation Surface Damage Of The Workpiece. The Clamping Mechanism Should Generally Have A Self-Locking Function.

3. The Clamping Device Should Be Easy To Operate, Labor-Saving Safe. 4. The Complexity Automation Of The Clamping Device Should Be Compatible With The Production Batch Production Method. The Structural Design Should Be Simple Compact Standardized Components Should Be Used As Much As Possible.

39. What Are The Three Factors That Determine The Clamping Force? What Are The Principles For Selecting The Direction Point Of Action Of The Clamping Force?

The Selection Of The Direction Of The Clamping Force At The Point Of Action In The Large Small Directions Should Generally Follow The Following Principles:

1. The Direction Of The Clamping Force Should Be Conducive To The Accurate Positioning Of The Workpiece Without Destroying The Positioning. For This Reason, It Is Generally Required That The Main Clamping Force Is Directed Vertically To The Positioning Surface. 

2. The Direction Of The Clamping Force Should Be Consistent With The Direction Of The Workpiece's Maximum Stiffness To Reduce The Workpiece Clamping Deformation. 

3. The Direction Of The Clamping Force Should Be Consistent With The Cutting Force The Gravity Of The Workpiece As Much As Possible To Reduce The Required Clamping Force. General Principles For Selecting The Clamping Force Action Point:

1. The Clamping Force Action Point Should Be Directly On The Support Surface Formed By The Support Element To Ensure That The Positioning Of The Workpiece Remains Unchanged.

2. The Clamping Force Application Point Should Be At A Location With Good Rigidity To Reduce The Clamping Deformation Of The Workpiece. 3. The Clamping Force Application Point Should Be As Close As Possible To The Processing Surface To Reduce The Turning Torque Caused By The Cutting Force On The Workpiece.

40. What Are The Commonly Used Clamping Mechanisms? Focus On Analyzing Mastering The Wedge Clamping Mechanism.

1. Angle Wedge Clamping Structure 2. Screw Clamping Structure 3. Eccentric Clamping Structure 4. Hinge Clamping Structure 5. Centering Clamping Structure 6. Linkage Clamping Structure

41. How To Classify According To The Structural Characteristics Of The Drill Template? How To Classify According To The Structural Characteristics Of The Drill Sleeve? What Are The Categories According To The Connection Method Between The Drill Template The Clamp?

Drilling Template According To The Common Structural Characteristics:

1. Fixed Drilling Template

 2. Rotary Drilling Jig 

3. Flip Drilling Template

 4. Cover Plate Drilling Template

 5. Sliding Column Drilling Template Structural Features Classification:


1. Fixed Drilling Template

2. Interchangeable Drilling Jig 

3. Quick-Change Drilling Jig 

4. Special Drilling Templates Concrete Connection Methods:

3. Fixed Hinged Separation Hanging

42. What Are The Characteristics Of Machine Tool Clamps In Machining Centers ?

1. Function Simplification

2. Complete Positioning 

3. Open Structure 

4. Rapid Reset

The Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. Team Was Established In 2010 Is Located On The 1st Floor Of Building F3, Tianyou Maker Industrial Park, Lixinhu, Fuyong, Bao'an District, Shenzhen. It Has Long Been Committed To The Processing Of High-Precision, High-Difficulty, Easy-To-Deform Metal Plastic Parts , Small Medium-Batch Production Of Lightweight Alloy Composite Materials (Such As Aluminum Alloy, Carbon Fiber, Etc.) Parts,  Procurement Customization Of Robot Parts .

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