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Precision Machinerys guide to proper operation of CNC machining centres

2021-09-23 09:34:34

Precision Machinery Companies Should Standardize The Correct Operation Of CNC Machine Tools By Technicians. CNC Technicians Are Responsible For Completing The Processing Of Mold Parts As Required, Ensuring Safe Production, Doing A Good Job Of Machine Tool Maintenance To Extend The Service Life Of The Machine Tool.

1. After The Machine Tool Is Powered On, The Precautions Are As Follows:

1) After The Precision Machinery Company's Machine Tool Is Powered On, Check Whether Each Switch Button Is Normal Flexible, Whether There Is Any Abnormality In The Machine Tool;

2) Check Whether The Voltage, Oil Pressure Air Pressure Are Normal. The Parts That Need Manual Lubrication Should Be Lubricated Manually First;

3) After The Machine Tool Is Turned On, Each Coordinate Axis Manually Returns To The Reference Point (Machine Tool Origin). If An Axis Is Already At The Zero Position Before Returning To The Reference Point, The Axis Must First Be Moved To A Position 100mm Away The Origin, The CNC Machining Center Then Manually Returns To The Reference Point Controls The Machine Tool To Move In The Negative Direction Of The Stroke At This Position To Return It To The Reference Point;

4) When The Precision Machinery Company Is Performing Rotary Exchange Of The Worktable, There Must Be No Foreign Matter On The Table, The Guard, The Guide Rail; Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Machining Experience , With Complete Equipment, CNC Lathe/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Machining. Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotes.

Precision Machinery Company

5) After The CNC Program Is Input, It Should Be Carefully Proofread To Ensure That It Is Correct, Including Checking The Code, Instructions, Addresses, Values, Positive Negative Signs, Decimal Points Syntax;

6) Install Locate The Fixture According To The Process Regulations;

7) Correctly Measure Calculate The Workpiece Coordinate System, Verify Check The Results;

8) Input The Workpiece Coordinate System Into The Offset Page, Carefully Check The Coordinates, Coordinate Values, Positive Negative Signs, Decimal Points;

9) After Entering The Tool Compensation Value (Length, Radius) Into The Offset Page, Carefully Check The Tool Compensation Number, Compensation Value, Positive Negative Sign, Decimal Point.

2. During The Workpiece Processing Of Precision Machinery Companies, The Following Matters Need To Be Paid Attention To:

1) When Performing High-Precision Workpiece Forming, Use A Micrometer To Detect The Tool On The Spindle To Control Its Static Runout Within 3µm. If Necessary, Re-Clamp Replace The Tool Holder System;

2) Whether It Is A Part That Is Processed By CNC For The First Time A Part That Is Repeatedly Processed Periodically, Before Processing, It Is Necessary To Check Verify Each Tool Each Program According To The Drawing Process, Program Tool Adjustment Card, Especially For The Tool Length Compensation Radius Compensation In The Program, Do Trial Cutting If Necessary;

3) During Single-Stage Trial Cutting, The Rapid Rate Switch Must Be Set To A Lower Level;

4) When Using Each Knife For The First Time, You Must First Verify Whether Its Actual Length Matches The Given Compensation Value;

5) When The CNC Machining Center Program Is Running, It Is Important To Observe Several Displays On The CNC System;

6) Coordinate Display: You Can Understand The Position Of The Current Tool Motion Point In The Machine Tool Coordinate System The Workpiece Coordinate System, Understand The Motion Amount Of This Program Segment, How Much Remaining Motion There Is, Etc.;

7) Register Buffer Register Display: You Can See The Status Instructions Of The Program Segment Being Executed The Content Of The Next Program Segment.

8) Main Program Subprogram Display: You Can Understand The Specific Content Of The Program Segment Being Executed.

9) Dialogue Display Screen (Custom): You Can Understand The Current Spindle Speed, Current Cutting Feed Speed, Cutting Feed Per Spindle Revolution, Current Cutting Load Of The Spindle The Cutting Feed Per Spindle Revolution Of Each Stroke Shaft Load Of The Machine Tool To Calculate The Corresponding Cutting Amount Per Tool Edge; Huiwen Zhizao Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Machining Experience, With Complete Equipment, CNC Lathe/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Machining. Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotation.

10) During The Trial Cutting, When The Tool Moves To 30~50mm The Workpiece Surface, It Is Necessary To Maintain The Low-Speed Feed To Verify Whether The Remaining Coordinate Values Of The Coordinate Axis The X Y Axis Coordinate Values Are Consistent With The Drawing;

11) For Some Tools That Require Tool Testing, Use The "Progressive" Method. For Example, When Boring A Hole, You Can First Test A Small Length, Then Bore The Entire Length After The Test Is Qualified. The Tool Data Using The Tool Radius Compensation Function Can Be Modified Large To Small While Testing;

12) During Trial Cutting Processing In The CNC Machining Center, After Replacing The Tool Auxiliary Tools, Be Sure To Re-Measure The Tool Length Modify The Tool Compensation Value Tool Compensation Number;

13) When Searching For A Program, Pay Attention To Whether The Cursor Position Is Reasonable Accurate, Observe Whether The Coordinates Of The Tool Machine Tool Movement Direction Are Correct;

14) After The Precision Machinery Company Modifies The Program, The Modified Part Must Be Carefully Calculated Checked;

15) When Operating Manual Feeding Manual Continuous Feeding, You Must Check Whether The Positions Of Various Switches Are Correct, Find Out The Positive Negative Directions, Identify The Buttons The Set Feed Speed Pulse Ratio, Then Operate.

3. After Processing The Workpiece, The Following Matters Need Attention:

1) After The Precision Machinery Company Has Completed The Processing Of A Full Batch Of Workpieces, The Tool Number Tool Compensation Value Should Be Checked To Ensure That The Tool Number Tool Compensation Value In The Program, Offset Page, Adjustment Card Process Card Are Completely Consistent; When The Tool Is Reused, It Should Be Re-Set On The Tool Setting Instrument To Effectively Reduce The Impact Of Tool Wear On The Processed Workpiece;

2) Remove The Tool The Tool Magazine, Clean It Up Put It Into The Warehouse According To The Adjustment Card Program. The Disk Process Tool Adjustment Card Are Put Into The Warehouse As A Set;

3) Remove The Fixtures. For Some Fixtures, The Installation Position Orientation Should Be Recorded Filed;

4) Stop Each Coordinate Axis In The Middle Position; Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Machining Experience. It Has A Full Range Of Equipment, CNC Turning/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Machining. Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotes.

5) If You Need To Shut Down The Machine At This Time, Press The Power Off Button On The Operation Panel Wait For A While To Allow The Spindle Cooling Oil In The Spindle To Partially Flow Back Before Shutting Down Automatically.

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