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What problems can occur when the cnc machining process is arranged properly?

2021-11-30 15:25:23

What Problems Will Arise If The CNC Machining Process Is Arranged Properly?

In The Process Of Processing, Each Step Is Very Important. If There Is A Process That Is Operated In Time Due To Carelessness During The Processing, It Is Very Likely To Directly Affect The Final Effect Of The Product. Therefore, In The Process Of Work, The Operator Must Maintain A Mellow Spirit, Which Is Only Good For Himself, But Also Has A Good Effect On The Product. So What Will Happen If The CNC Processing Technology Is Well Allocated?

CNC machining

1. Excessive Decentralization Of CNC Machining Processes

The Reason For This Problem Is That They Are Afraid Of Complexity (Referring To The Preparation Time), The Programming Is Simple, The Operation Is Simplified, The Use Of A Tool Is Easy To Adjust The Tool, They Are Used To General Processing. This Makes It Difficult To Ensure The Quality Of The Product (Shape Tolerance) The Productivity Cannot Be Fully Exerted. Therefore, CNC Processing Technicians Operators Should Fully Understand The Knowledge Of CNC Machine Tools, Conduct More Experiments To Master The Relevant Knowledge, Try To Use The Method Of Process Centralization For Processing. It Takes Several Times, Of Course It Will Reflect Its Advantages. After Adopting Process Centralization, The Company's Processing Time Is Improved. We Arranged The Two Machines At Zero Distance, Realized That One Person Operated Two Machines. The Efficiency Was Greatly Improved The Quality Was Also Well Guaranteed. 

2. The CNC Processing Sequence Is Unscientific

Some CNC Operators Take Into Account Some Problems In Preparation Often Arrange The Processing Sequence Very Unscientifically. CNC Machine Tool Processing Is Generally Carried Out According To The Rules Set By General Mechanical Processing Technology, Such As Coarse First Fine Later (Tool Change), Inside First Outside Later, Effective Selection Of Drilling Parameters, So That Quality Efficiency Can Be Improved.

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