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What safety precautions do I need to be aware of when operating a CNC machining plant?

2022-01-11 09:35:16

CNC Machining Production Safety Has Always Been The Core Of All Manufacturing Companies. Only Under The Premise Of Ensuring Production Safety Can The Company Ensure High Efficiency High-Quality Production. Therefore, During The Processing, We Should Take The Following Safety Measures To Prevent Accidents.

1. Before Operating The CNC Machining Center , You Must Check Whether The Machine Wiring Equipment System Are Normal Do A Pre-Production Safety Check.

2. CNC Processing Plants Must Be Equipped With Fire Safety Equipment (Fire Extinguishers, Fixed Fire Hydrants)

CNC machining

3. The CNC Processing Plant Is Equipped With Ceiling Fire Water Pipes, They Are Checked Regularly For Faults.

4. CNC Processing Plants Must Be Equipped With Safety Warning Signs Safety Passage Signs.

5. Enterprises Should Organize Employees To Learn Safety Knowledge Regularly To Enhance Their Safety Awareness.

6. No Open Flames Flammable Explosive Items Are Allowed In The Workshop.

7. The Company Should Arrange Personnel To Check The Workshop Electrical Wiring Regularly To Avoid Short Circuits Caused By Aging Lines Safety Problems.

CNC processing plant

The Above Seven Points Are The Basic Safety Protection Measures That Must Be Taken By CNC Processing Workshops Methods To Improve Employees' Safety Awareness. Safety Is No Small Matter. It Is The Common Responsibility Of All Employees Of The Company. Daily Production Operations Must Be Careful Violate Regulations To Avoid Safety Accidents To The Greatest Extent! Enterprise Production Safety Requires Everyone's Joint Efforts To Create A Safe Production Working Environment. Huiwen Zhizao Is A Machining Factory With More Than Ten Years Of CNC Processing Experience . It Has A Full Range Of Equipment, CNC Lathe/Milling/Grinding/Drilling/Processing. Partners With Parts Processing Needs Are Welcome To Call Us For Quotes.



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