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Four common processing methods for CNC parts machining

2022-01-18 10:56:39

With The Rapid Development Innovation Of High Technology, The Application Of CNC Machining Is Becoming More More Common. So What Are The Common CNC Machining Methods?

1. Flat Face Hole Parts: When Processing CNC Lathes (Such As CNC Planers) That Operate With Common Geometric Shapes, The Two Main Criteria To Be Considered When Selecting The Process Are Processing Precision Processing Efficiency.

2. Plane Contour Parts: When Using Computers To Process Plane Contour Parts, Please Note:

Internal External Drilling Position Control: Tangential Drilling, Leaving A Dent On The Workpiece Surface; Horizontal Drilling Cutting Out, Leveling The Workpiece Surface.

CNC parts processing

Selection Of The One-Step Approximation Method: When A CNC Lathe With Parallel Line Arc Tool Radius Compensation Function Processes Irregular Curve Contours, It Only Needs To Use Parallel Lines Arc Fine Lines To Approximate The Processing Contour (This Deviation Is Called One-Step Approximation). When Approximating, The Workpiece Error Should Be Within The Standard Range The Number Of Pieces Should Be Small.

3. Three-Dimensional Contour Parts; The Following Aspects Should Be Considered When Processing Three-Dimensional Contour Parts:

Consider The Strength Surface Quality Of The Workpiece: After The Workpiece Is Subjected To Stress, The Compressive Strength Is Low The Surface Quality Is The Best.

Considering The Tool Radius Compensation Function Of The CNC Lathe: When Processing The Distorted Surface Of The Flat Beam, If The CNC Lathe Is A Three-Axis Linkage, A Ball Cage Turning Tool With Lower Efficiency Should Be Used; If The CNC Lathe Is A Four-Axis Linkage, The Most Efficient Inner Hole Cutting Can Be Used.

4. Cylindrical Parts: Rotating Parts Processing Is Usually Carried Out Using CNC Lathes CNC Grinders. What Should Be Paid Attention To In This Link?

CNC machining

Considering The Processing Efficiency: When Machining On A Lathe, The Processing Capacity Is Usually Large, The Roughing Path Should Be Effectively Organized To Improve The Processing Efficiency. In Actual Program Writing, It Is Generally Recommended To Use Cycle Commands (Otherwise There Will Be Too Many Cuts At The Working Feed Rate). A Better Method Is To Use Fine Turning To Remove The Raw Materials As Soon As Possible, Then Bore The Holes.

Considering The Compressive Strength Of The Sharp Knife: Low-Strength CNC Blades Are Commonly Used In Processing Small Grooves On CNC Lathes.

The Above Four Are The CNC Processing Methods Commonly Used By Precision Parts Processing Companies. Which One Is Better? This Is Also Based On The Company's Needs For Parts. When Processing Different Parts, You Should Pay Attention To Related Issues.

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