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Common sense introduction to CNC machining

2022-10-12 16:52:03

The CNC Machining Process Plan Is Considered To Be A Series Of Process State Spaces, The Initial State Of The Part Core/Mold Embryo To The Final State Part. The Order Of The CNC Sequence Must Conform To The Following General Rules

1. The Primary Parameter Is Followed By Auxiliary Parameters.

2. Process The Surface First Then The Hole. Mill First Then Drill.

3. First Rough Machining Then Fine Machining.

4. First, The Inner Cavity Is Processed, Then The Outer Shape Is Processed.

5. Depending On The Order Of The Process, The Diameter Of The Thing Varies Large To Small.

6. The Processing Of The Previous Process Does Affect The Chuck Positioning Of The Next Process.

7. Put The Same Tools Fixtures Together To Reduce Repeated Clips Positions.

8. It Is Necessary To Concentrate On CNC Technical Parameters.

9. Do Use Program Instructions That Weaken The Rigidity Of The Parts First.

CNC machining aluminum parts hardware machining

An Outstanding CNC Machining Process Solution Should Consider The Following Points

Whether It Can Meet The Technical Requirements Of The Parts, Whether It Can Improve The CNC Processing Efficiency, Low Processing Cost Good Quality Control. Therefore, The Overall CNC Processing Technology Plan Is Generally As Follows:

1. Selection Of CNC Machine Tools.

2. Choose A Solution.

3. Confirm The Clamping Method Of The Parts The Clamping Method.

4. Positioning Method.

5. Check The Requirements Methods.

6. Choose Things.

7. Error Control Tolerance Control During Processing.

8. Define CNC Processes.

9. CNC Sequence.

10. Cutting Parameters.

11. CNC Machining Program Table Is Available.



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