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Why do machining manufacturers vary so much in price?

2022-12-09 14:03:41

  Many CNC Processing Manufacturers Have Been Striving To Control The Cost Of CNC Processing As Much As Possible . Many Customers Have Also Found That The Quotations Given By Manufacturers Of The Same Product Are Very Different. What Is The Root Cause?

      Many People Have This Question, But The Fact Is That The Same Product, The Same Material, The Same Process Have Different Prices. Let Huiwen Intelligent CNC Machining Manufacturer Give You The Answer.

CNC machining manufacturers

1. Regional Differences. The Labor Costs Management Costs Of Each CNC Machining Manufacturer Are Different, The Processing Costs Are Also Very Different. The Unit Price In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou Shenzhen Is Generally Higher, Followed By Second- Third-Tier Cities, But The Former Is Definitely Of Better Quality.

2. Production Equipment. For Example, The Price Of A CNC Machine Manufacturer's 200,000 Yuan Special Equipment 2 Million Yuan Production Equipment Is Definitely Different. The Performance Is Different, The Maintenance Cost Is Different, The Machine Operator Is Different, So The Price Is Also Different.

CNC parts processing

3. Specifications, Dimensions Appearance Of Parts

The Specifications, Dimensions Appearance Of CNC Parts, Large Complex High-Precision Parts, Will Require A Large Amount Of Production Processing, Of Course More Raw Materials Will Be Used. In Addition, The Amount Of Scraps Formed By The Production Of CNC Parts Will Also Increase. Some Customers Have Specific Standards For The Smoothness Of The Products, So The Cost Will Also Increase. Secondly, Many Processing Plants Outsource Some Of Their Processes, Such As Surface Treatment, The Prices Are Also Different.

Summary: If You Want To Control Costs Choose A CNC Machining Manufacturer That Suits You, You Must Consider Processing Technology, Special Equipment, Raw Materials, Outsourcing Cooperation, Etc., In Order To Reasonably Effectively Control Costs. You Cannot Just Use A Certain Company Because Its Production Processing Costs Are Very Cheap. A Lot Of Problems Will Arise Later It Will Be Difficult To Solve Them.

Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.

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