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Wiseman Cup Table Tennis Tournament & Masterchef Competition, sports food is nice!

2022-12-13 14:59:07

The End Of The Year Is Approaching, I Wish You A Peaceful Winter, Boil Some Wine Warm Some Tea, Drink This Cup To The Bottom!

In The Last Month Of 2022, Toast To The Best Version Of Yourself.

Huiwen Table Tennis Tournament & Chef Championship Were A Complete Success!

Huiwen Table Tennis Tournament

1. Table Tennis Competition   

In Order To Enrich The Cultural Life Of Employees, Cultivate The Spirit Of Huiwen People To Be Proactive Hardworking, Create A Healthy, Harmonious Vibrant Mental Outlook, The Company's Office Staff Successfully Held The Second Table Tennis Competition On The Morning Of December 10, "Promote The Spirit Of The National Ball Show The Style Of Huiwen!" Everyone Participated Enthusiastically The Scene Was Full Of Joy!

On The Field, The Players Raced Against Time Fought With All Their Might!

He Is Calm With Long Balls, Deft With Short Balls, Graceful With Loops, Fierce With Fast Breaks;

Table Tennis Is Tangible, Joy Is Endless, Passion Spins, It Flies Freely.


Off The Court, Players Make Friends Through Ball Work Together In Unity.

The Players' Superb Skills High Spirits,

The Determination To Win Makes This Competition So Exciting!


▼The 7-Member Team That Won The Championship▼

Congratulations On Winning The Group Championship

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Huiwen Company Team Building

2. Farmhouse Picnic - Cooking Competition

    After Lunch, We Arrived At Dashu Ecological Farm, Got Close To Nature, Relaxed, Started A Cooking Competition. Everyone Was Eager To Try, Each Doing Their Part Preparing Their Own Specialties!

   The "Huiwen Male God Group" Only Performed Well At Work, But Also Had Excellent Cooking Skills, Which Was Enough To Show That They Were Also Very Responsible Good Men In The Family. Some Chopped Wood To Make Fire, Some Washed Cut Vegetables, Some Caught Slaughtered Fish. The Chef Competition Was Carried Out In An Orderly Manner.

Chef's Special:

Secret Mutton Soup, Sentimental Borscht, Yongzhou Blood Duck

Salt Pepper Shrimp, Braised Chicken Nuggets, Stir-Fried Vegetables…

Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing-Chef Competition

The "Huiwen Goddess Group" Is Also Very Powerful.

Conscious Division Of Labor, Some People Pick Vegetables, Some Cut Vegetables, Make Seasoning, Help Out...

Chef's Special:

Lin's Spare Ribs, Braised Fish Fillet, Fish-Flavored Eggplant

Cold Cucumber Salad, Steamed Egg, Vinegar-Fried Potato Shreds…

Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing-Chef Competition

During Leisure Time, Everyone Plays Mahjong, Table Tennis, Fishing, Billiards, Badminton, Swings On The Swings, Shoots Arrows, Etc. Some Also Stroll In The Mountains, Play On The Grass Bask In The Sun. There Are Too Many Fun Leisure Activities To List.

Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing-Farmhouse

After The Efforts Of Several Chefs, Two Tables Of Delicious Meals Were Served, With All Kinds Of Colors, Aromas Flavors, Including Secret Mutton Soup, Sentimental Borscht, Yongzhou Blood Duck, Lin's Spare Ribs, Braised Chicken, Stir-Fried Pork With Green Peppers, Salt Pepper Shrimp, Steamed Eggs, Braised Fish, Braised Eggplant, Cold Cucumber, Vinegar-Fried Potato Shreds...

Company team building-farmhouse

Night Has Fallen, Drinking 30-Year-Old Wine, Tasting Delicious Dishes, Everyone Is Talking Laughing, Happiness Is So Simple. This Activity Only Enriched Our Spare Time, But Also Brought Us Closer To Each Other. In Such A Relaxing Environment With Beautiful Scenery Delicious Food, The Huiwen Family Seems Warmer More Harmonious.

Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.

There Is No Need To Look Up To Other People's Mountains. You I Have Our Own Strength To Follow The Light.

Swing The Racket Of Youth To Show The Youthful Vitality Passion Of Huiwen. Come On! Huiwen People.



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