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What do I need to learn to go to a machine shop?

2022-12-20 16:34:09

In A Mechanical Processing Workshop, We Need To Learn The Processing Capabilities Range Of Various Processing Equipment, Be Familiar With The Processing Technology Of The Products, Learn How To Operate The Processing Equipment, Etc.

1. Be Familiar With The Processing Capabilities Processing Range Of Various Mechanical Processing Equipment

       The Equipment We Usually See In Ordinary Workshops, Such As Lathes, Milling Machines, Planers, Grinders, Boring Machines, Drilling Machines, Laser Cutting, Wire Cutting, Etc., What Processing Processes Are They Used For What Is Their Processing Accuracy?


2. Familiar With The CNC Processing Technology Of The Product

        For Example, How Are The Processing Procedures Arranged, What Kind Of Tools Fixtures Are Required For Each Process, How Are The Processing Parameters Of The Equipment Adjusted.

3. Learn How To Operate CNC Processing Equipment

       You Don't Need To Be Proficient In It, But You Must Know How It Works Think About How The Structure Of These Devices Is Handled.

Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.

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