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Non-standard parts processing need to pay attention to what

2023-02-24 11:45:48

What Should Be Paid Attention To In The Processing Of Standard Parts Is What Non-Standard Parts Processing Factories Attach Great Importance To. These Processing Precautions Are Related To The Quality Of Non-Standard Parts In The Future . Today, Let’s Talk About What Are The Main Requirements For Non-Standard Parts Processing .

Precautions For Non-Standard Parts Processing: The Abrasive Grain Size For Grinding Should Be Changed Coarse To Fine. When Changing The Abrasive, The Grinding Marks Of The Previous Process Should Be Completely Removed, The Grinding Should Be Carried Out Until Only The Current Grinding Marks Can Be Seen. This Is Very Important To Prevent The "Relief" Phenomenon.

Note 2 For Non-Standard Parts Processing: The Same Grinding Tool Can Only Use Abrasives Of The Same Particle Size. Before Changing The Particle Size Each Time, The Workpiece Must Be Thoroughly Cleaned To Prevent Coarser Abrasives Other Contaminants Being Brought To The Next Process Causing Scratches On The Grinding Surface.

Note 3 For Non-Standard Parts Processing: Each Time You Switch To The Next Particle Size, Grind At An Angle Of 30-45° To The Previous Grinding Direction. If There Is A Deep Scar, You Cannot Grind Only This Local Position, Otherwise It Will Cause Pits In This Local Position. You Need To Perform Comprehensive Repairs To Remove The Pits. You Need To Pay Attention To Uniform Grinding For Both Easy-To-Grind Difficult-To-Grind Positions.

The Above Are The Precautions For Non-Standard Parts Processing. If You Are Looking For A Supplier Of Parts Processing, You Can Contact Us.



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