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How much can CNC machining aluminium alloy in Shenzhen be done for an hour?

2023-09-11 15:08:43

Many Customers Ask You How Much Is The CNC Processing Per Hour. Accepting CNC Processing Orders At A Low Price Hurts Yourself, Hurts Your Peers, Cheats Your Customers! | Please Abide By The Minimum Price Advocated.

More Than 100 Yuan An Hour A Few Years Ago To 40-50 Yuan An Hour Now, Even 30 Yuan An Hour, Some People Lamented With Grief, Saying That If This Continues, They Will Have To Starve To Death. Some People Helplessly Ridiculed Themselves, Saying That Those Who Have Land Will Go Back To Their Hometown To Farm, Those Who Don’t Have Land Will Go To Construction Sites To Move Bricks, Those Who Are In Good Health Will Go To Hong Kong To Take Care Of Their Old Ladies.

In Short, It Can’t Be Any Lower. Why? Take An Ordinary CNC850 Processing As An Example!

1. Harming Oneself. Take A Processing Shop With 6 Machines As An Example. In The Past, One Machine Was Priced At 100 Yuan Per Hour. If An Average User Works 10 Hours A Day, 100 Yuan*10 Hours=1,000 Yuan, One Machine Makes A Gross Profit Of 1,000 Yuan Per Day. Then 6 Machines*1,000 Yuan=Gross Profit Of 6,000 Yuan. 6,000 Yuan Per Day*26 Days=156,000 Yuan.

Aluminum alloy CNC processing

The Gross Profit Is 156,000 Yuan A Month, Minus The Cost, Mainly In The Following Aspects:

Labor: (1 Person Is Needed To Issue Orders Deliver Goods, 3 People Are Needed To Operate The Machine Tools. In The Past Few Years, The Average Salary Of CNC Masters Was 6,000-8,000 Yuan, 8,000*4 People=32,000 Yuan);

Consumables: Cutting Tools = 1,200 Yuan Per Machine, 6 Machines * 1,200 = 7,200 Yuan, 6 Barrels Of Cutting Fluid * 150 Yuan = 900 Yuan, Total: 8,100 Yuan

Rent: As For The 100 Square Meters Of Processing Area, There Must Also Be An Office, Which Adds Up To About 6,000 Yuan.

Water Electricity: One 850 Generator Has A Power Of About 30KW, Produces About 20 Degrees Per Hour, Which Is 200 Yuan For 10 Hours. 6 Generators * 200 Yuan = 1200 Yuan * 26 Days = 31200 Yuan; Water Is 200 Yuan. Total: 31400 Yuan

Aluminum alloy processing

Repair Maintenance Fee: 1000 Yuan Per Month For 1 Machine, 6 Machines * 1000 Yuan = 6000 Yuan

Machine Depreciation: One 850 Machine Costs 300,000 Yuan. If The Depreciation Rate Is 10% In One Year, It Will Be Reduced By 30,000 Yuan, Which Is 2,500 Yuan Per Month. 6 Machines*250=15,000 Yuan

Tax: 3,000 Yuan.

Rebates Bonuses For Entertaining Guests: 2,000 Yuan,

156,000-(32,000+8,100+6,000+31,400+6,000+15,000+3,000+2,000) = 52,500 Yuan More. It May Be A Little More Than Working, But It Is Much More Tiring Risky.

Now, The Labor Cost Is As Low As 40 Yuan Per Hour, 40 Yuan * 10 Hours * 6 Machines * 26 Days = 62,400 Yuan, The Gross Profit Per Month Is 62,400 Yuan. 62,400 Minus The Above Cost Of 103,500 Yuan = -41,100 Yuan, A Loss Of 41,100 Yuan. A Business That Was Slightly Profitable Has Been Turned Into A Direct Loss.

Assuming The Charge Is 70 Yuan Per Hour, 70 Yuan*10 Hours*6 Machines*26 Days=109,200 Yuan. Minus The Cost Of 103,500 Yuan, There Is Still 5,700 Yuan Left For Fast Food.

Working In A Factory, You Can Earn Tens Of Thousands Of Yuan A Year.

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