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Shenzhen Precision Hardware Processing Precision Robot Parts

Shenzhen Precision Hardware Processing Precision Robot Parts

  • Cname:Robot parts
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  • Release date:2024-09-11 09:42:03
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【Part Name】End Parts For Medical Precision Robot Parts

【Material】Stainless Steel 630

【Manufacturing Process】High-Precision CNC Milling + Precision Mold Technology

【Surface Treatment】Polishing Robot Parts

【Product Features】Small Size, National Standard Level 5 Accuracy

[Customization] Yes

China's Precision Hardware Processing Enterprises Are Mainly Concentrated In The Yangtze River Delta, The Pearl River Delta  The Bohai Rim. The Development Of China's Precision Hardware Processing Industry Is Generally Fast, But Compared With Foreign Industrialized Countries Such As Germany  Japan, There Is Still A Certain Gap In Financial Strength, Technical Equipment  Production Technology. Shenzhen Huiwen Precision Hardware Processing Precision CNC Parts Customization Manufacturer Will Give You A Brief Analysis Of The Pain Points Of The Robot Parts Industry.

Although Some Companies Have Been Able To Produce Core Components With Comparable Technical Levels In Recent Years, It Is Difficult To Guarantee The Service Life Of The Machines. This Is Also Related To The Precision Of Manufacturing Precision Hardware Processing Robots. In Order To Achieve A Perfect Match, The Japanese Research Team Has Been Debugging The Material Ratio Bit By Bit In The Laboratory  Constantly Conducting Comparative Experiments. For Chinese Technology To Reach The Same Level, First Of All, It Requires The Calmness Of Craftsmen,  Secondly, It Requires The Accumulation Of Time. If The Precision Of Precision Hardware Processing Is  Appropriate, Then The Robot Will Be More Easily Worn. Therefore, Although Domestic Robots Can Be Comparable To International Ones When They Leave The Factory, Their Performance Will Decline After A Period Of Time. In Addition, Due To The High Cost Of Machine Tools For Producing Core Components, Domestic Parts Have  Been Fully Mass-Produced. The Profit  Selling Robots Is Difficult To Make Up For The Investment In Procurement Costs,  Robot Manufacturers Do  Have More Funds To Inject Into Technology Research  Development. This Has Created A Painful Vicious Cycle Of "Insufficient R&D Funds -> Technical Standards -> Poor Sales -> Inability To Mass Produce -> High Manufacturing Costs -> Insufficient R&D Funds".

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