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Shenzhen Huiwen smart technology co.,LTD.

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Shenzhen CNC Five-Axis Parts Processing Custom Manufacturer

Shenzhen CNC Five-Axis Parts Processing Custom Manufacturer

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  • Release date:2024-09-11 10:33:38
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Shenzhen CNC Five-Axis Parts Processing Custom Manufacturer

Advantages Of Five-Axis Machining :

Five-Axis Part Machining Curves – Tool Paths Can Be Quickly Generated Based On CAD Contour Curves  Surfaces. The Tool Axis Vector Of Each Tool Position Point Is Strictly Perpendicular To The Current Surface. At The Same Time, Mastercam Has A Powerful Function Of Tool Position Point Optimization, Which Can Intelligently Adjust The Distribution Of Tool Position Points According To Machining Accuracy  Contour Curvature.

Five-Axis Part Machining  Drilling – Multiple Holes With Different Axes Can Be Quickly Selected. Whether It Is The Top Circle Of The Hole, The Bottom Circle Of The Hole,  The Axis Of The Hole, They Can All Be Easily Identified  Selected. The Connection Between Holes Is Particularly Critical. The "Safe Area" Option Is Provided In The Tool Path, Which Can Specify That Each Time The Tool Must Be Lifted Outside The Safe Area Before Moving Rapidly. The Possibility Of Collision Between The Tool  The Workpiece  Fixture When Moving Rapidly Between Holes Is Completely Avoided.

Professional Post-Processing - Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Provides Five-Axis Part Processing Post-Processing . A Qualified Five-Axis Post-Processing Must Meet The Requirements Of Safety  Reliability.

Safety – The Generated CNC Program Must Be Run On The Machine Tool Without The Risk Of Tool Collision. The Tool Movement Process Is Smooth  Coherent Without Unnecessary Movements.

Reliable – Ensure The Stability Of Post-Processing. Accurate NC Programs Can Be Quickly Generated For Different Workpieces  Various Complex Tool Paths.

Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.
