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Shenzhen Huiwen, A CNC Processing Company For Magnesium Alloy Parts Small Metal Parts

2021-05-17 09:55:52

Turning Is An Important Type Of Work In The Machinery Manufacturing Industry. Its Job Content Is To Use The Rotation Of The Workpiece The Linear Curved Motion Of The Tool On A Lathe CNC Lathe To Change The Shape Size Of The Blank Process The Workpiece Into A Part That Meets The Requirements Of The Drawing. Turning Is The Most Basic Common Cutting Method. It Occupies A Very Important Position In Production Is Widely Used In Various Industrial Production Departments Such As Automobiles, Agricultural Machinery, Motors Electrical Instruments, Daily Necessities, National Defense.

Magnesium Alloy Has Outstanding Advantages:

•Light: The Density Is Less Than Two-Thirds Of Aluminum Alloy, Making It The Lightest Structural Material. 

•Strong: Good Mechanical Properties, Stronger In Specific Strength Rigidity Than Aluminum Alloy.

• Cheap: This Year, The Price Of Raw Magnesium Is Lower Than That Of Aluminum, The Product Cost Is Comparable To That Of Steel Aluminum.

• Green: Waste Recycling Consumes Less Energy, Weight Reduction Brings Significant Energy Saving Effect, Magnesium Has Good Biocompatibility.

•Cool: High Electromagnetic Shielding, Good Heat Dissipation, Good Shock Absorption Noise Reduction.

Huiwen non-standard parts processing

By Using Magnesium Alloy CNC Turning Milling, We Can Produce A Lot Of Exquisite Small Metal Products.

Applies To:

1. Shells Assembled Large-Screen Boxes Of Consumer Electronics (3C) Products Such As Mobile Phones Laptops;

2. Automobile: Magnesium Alloy Parts Are 3/4 Lighter Than Steel 1/3 Lighter Than Aluminum. They Can Improve Vehicle Handling Performance, Extend The Range Of New Energy Vehicles Reduce Carbon Emissions.

3. Sports Leisure Outdoor Products: Light, Hard Strong, Such As Xiaomi Balance Bike, Mobike, Suitcases, Bicycles, Outdoor Portable Tables Chairs, Wheelchairs, Baby Carriages.

4. Aviation, Military Industry, High-Speed Rail Fields: Can Meet The Requirements Of Weight Reduction, Noise Absorption, Shock Absorption, Anti-Electromagnetic Interference, Such As DJI Drone Structural Parts, Aircraft, High-Speed Rail Compartment Parts, Guns, Missile Parts, Individual Equipment, Etc.

5.5G: Excellent Heat Dissipation Electromagnetic Shielding Properties, Easy Molding Of Deep Thin Parts, Suitable For Manufacturing 5G Indoor Base Stations Filters.

6. Robot: It Can Make The Robot Move Faster Reduce The Cost Of Driving Motor.

Although Magnesium Alloys Are Used In Many Industries, There Is A Pain Point: They Are Suitable For Making Large Parts. The Real Situation Is That Since The Consumer Electronics Field Is The Traditional Application Field Of Magnesium Alloys, All Small Products Are Small Products, Resulting In Slow Progress In The Research Development Manufacturing Of Large-Scale Processing Equipment. Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. Specializes In Customized Processing Of Small Magnesium Alloy Parts.

Advantages Of CNC Machining Center :

After The Magnesium Alloy Workpiece Is Clamped Once On The Machining Center , The Digital Control System Can Control The Machine Tool According To Different Processes, Automatically Replace The Tool, Automatically Change The Machine Tool Spindle Speed, Feed Rate The Tool Relative To The Workpiece Movement Trajectory Other Auxiliary Functions, Complete The Multi-Process Processing On Several Surfaces Of The Workpiece In Sequence. There Are Multiple Tool Changing Tool Selection Functions, Which Greatly Improves The Production Efficiency Of Magnesium Alloy .

Due To The Centralized Process Automatic Tool Change, The Machining Center Reduces The Time For Workpiece Clamping, Measurement Machine Tool Adjustment, Making The Cutting Time Of The Machine Tool Reach About 80% Of The Machine Tool Operation Time (Only 15-20% For Ordinary Machine Tools); At The Same Time, It Also Reduces The

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