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How do you charge for aluminium cnc machined parts?

2023-01-06 11:42:05

CNC Aluminum Alloy Parts Processing Is A Common Processing Method In The Current Processing Industry. Generally Speaking, We Divide The Quotation Methods Of Aluminum Alloy Parts Processing Into Two Types; The First Is Calculated By Working Hours, The Second Is Calculated Based On Comprehensive Factors Such As Product Quantity, Quality, Material, Precision, Working Hours, Etc. The First Is Relatively Simple, The Second Is Generally Used For Parts That Require High Precision, High Quality, Long Working Hours, Batch Processing , Etc., Which Requires Neutral Evaluation.

The Method Of Quoting By Working Hours; Calculated By Working Hours, That Is, How Long It Takes You To Process Aluminum Alloy Parts, How Much Is Your Hourly Wage. You Can Get The Processing Price Of The Product Through Simple Calculation. This Method Requires You To Clearly Know How Much The Cost Is Per Hour, This Cost Varies Factory To Factory.

Aluminum alloy parts processing

The Quotation Is Based On The Quantity, Quality Accuracy Of Precision Parts . This Is Relatively Easy To Understand. Of Course, If The Quantity Is Large, The Price Will Be Much Cheaper Than One Two Pieces, Just Like When We Buy Things Normally, The Price Will Be Lower If We Buy More. The Second Is Quality. The Higher The Quality Requirements, The Higher The Price. The Higher The Accuracy, The Higher The Price Will Be. This Is Necessary Because High Quality High Precision Take Longer Time, That's For Sure.

Aluminum Alloy Parts Processing Is Indispensable In Many Industries, The Demand Is Quite Large. However, There Are Many Aluminum Alloy CNC Processing Companies, Resulting In Different Quality Precision. Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Has Long Been Committed To The Processing Of High-Precision, High-Difficulty, Easy-To-Deform Metal Aluminum Alloy Parts, Plastic Parts Processing , Small Medium-Volume Production Manufacturing Of Light Alloy Composite Materials (Such As Aluminum Alloy, Carbon Fiber, Etc.),  Robot Parts Procurement Customization Services. Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Can Currently Provide High-Quality, Low-Cost, On-Time Delivery Products In The Following Aspects.

Shenzhen Huiwen Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.

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